Mar 06, 2025
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025
Engineering Physics, B.S.
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The Engineering Physics program provides students interested in Engineering a clear track to pursue a 1-year Masters in Engineering or a 2-year, research-based Masters in Science at the University of Cincinnati in:
Mechanical Engineering, Material Science Engineering, Electrical Engineer, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Robotics and Intelligent Autonomous Systems, and Artificial Intelligence
Further information about this partnership can be found at this link (https://www.xavier.edu/physics-department/programs/masters-in-engineering-tracks)
Engineering Physics combines courses in physics and mathematics with several diverse courses in engineering. Serving the foundation of the program is a set of courses that provides a fundamental understanding of traditional topics in physics including the motion of solid bodies, sound, fluids, electricity, magnetism, and the interaction between light and matter. These “foundational” courses describe how theories about natural phenomena are deduced from experiments and observations, develop the mathematical formalism through which these theories are expressed, and present techniques for using this formalism to describe and analyze systems. Overarching these “foundational” courses are a set of “engineering” courses that focus on the application of scientific principles toward the design and construction of structures, materials, devices and systems that serve an intended function. A senior capstone experience provided through a two-semester sequence teaches the product development process typically utilized in the engineering community and enables students to experience the process from idea conception through production. The program is intended for students who want a solid foundation in physics and a rigorous set of engineering courses that will allow them to pursue an engineering related career or an advanced degree in engineering.
Requirements for the Engineering Physics Major
Major Requirements:
78 credit hours, as follows: 40 hours of engineering courses:
24 hours of physics courses:
14 hours of mathematics from:
- Specific requirements are modifiable for the needs and interests of each individual student.
- A 2.000 cumulative average must be attained within the major, as listed in Degree Works.
TOTAL Minimum Hours Required for Degree: 120 Semester Hours
- Depending on the language and mathematics placement, as well as how the DCR and ERS flags are satisfied, additional hours may need to be taken as electives to reach 120 hours.
B.S. Engineering Physics
This block serves as a guideline for progress toward a degree. See your academic advisor. Students Entering in Even Year
First Semester
- ENGR 101 - Intro to Fabrication
- PHYS 170 - University Physics I
- PHYS 171 - Explorations in Physics I
- MATH 180 - Differential Calculus
- CORE 100 - First Year Seminar
- CORE 101 - Goa I: Transition to Xavier
- Second Language 101
Total (14) Second Semester
- PHYS 172 - University Physics II
- ENGR 173 - Explorations in Engineering
- MATH 181 - Integral Calculus
- THEO 111 - Theological Foundations
- CORE 102 - Goa II: Beyond Your First Year
- Second Language 102
- ENGL 101 - English Composition
Total (16) First Semester
- PHYS 242 - Circuit Analysis
- PHYS 243 - Circuit Analysis Lab
- PHYS 330 - Modern Physics I
- PHYS 331 - Modern Physics I Lab
- MATH 220 - Multivariable Calculus
- Second Laguage 201
Total (17) Second Semester
- ENGR 180 - Intro to Comp with MATLAB
- ENGR 244 - Electronics
- ENGR 245 - Electronics Lab
- PHYS 355 - Advanced Lab
- MATH 230 - Intro to Ordinary Diff Equations
- Theological Perspectives
- PHIL 100 - Ethics as Intro to Philosophy
Total (17) First Semester
- ENGR 346 - Signals and Systems
- PHYS 350 - Theoretical Mechanics
- PHYS 360 - Electromagnetism I
- Philosophical Perspectives
- Literature & the Moral Imagination
Total (16) Second Semester
- ENGR 358 - Analog & Digital Communication
- ENGR 366 - Optics: Phys & Engineering
- ENGR 367 - Optics: Phys & Engineering Lab
- ENGR 380 - Control Systems
- ENGR 396 - Engineering Colloquium
- Historical Perspectives
- Ethics/Religion and Society (E/RS)
- CAD Badge
Total (17) First Semester
- ENGR 354 - Microprocessors & Digital Systems
- ENGR 370 - Fluid Mechanics
- ENGR 395 - Senior Project I
- Creative Perspectives
- Diversity Curriculum Requirement (DCR)
Total (15) Second Semester
- ENGR 342 - Material Science
- ENGR 384 - Heat Transfer
- ENGR 398 - Senior Design Project II
- Social Science Elective
- Humanities Elective
- CORE 499 - Core Capstone
Total (14) Students Entering in Odd Year
First Semester
- ENGR 101 - Intro to Fabrication
- PHYS 170 - University Physics I
- PHYS 171 - Explorations in Physics
- MATH 180 - Differential Calculus
- CORE 100 - First Year Seminar
- CORE 101 - Goa I: Transition to Xavier
- Second Language 101
Total (14) Second Semester
- PHYS 172 - University Physics II
- ENGR 173 - Explorations in Engineering
- MATH 181 - Integral Calculus
- THEO 111 - Theological Foundations
- CORE 102 - Goa II: Beyond Your First Year
- Second Language 102
- ENGL 101 - English Composition
Total (16) First Semester
- PHYS 242 - Circuit Analysis
- PHYS 243 - Circuit Analysis Lab
- PHYS 330 - Modern Physics I
- PHYS 331 - Modern Physics I Lab
- MATH 220 - Multivariable Calculus
- Second Language 201
Total (17) Second Semester
- ENGR 180 - Intro to Comp with MATLAB
- ENGR 244 - Electronics
- ENGR 245 - Electronics Lab
- PHYS 355 - Advanced Lab
- MATH 230 - Intro to Ordinary Diff Equations
- PHIL 100 - Ethics as Intro to Philosophy
- Theological Perspectives
Total (17) First Semester
- ENGR 354 - Microprocessors & Digital Systems
- ENGR 370 - Fluid Mechanics
- Creative Perspectives
- Philosophical Perspectives
- Literature & the Moral Imagination
Total (16) Second Semester
- ENGR 342 - Material Science
- ENGR 384 - Heat Transfer
- Social Science Elective
- Historical Perspectives
- Ethics/Religion and Society (E/RS)
- CAD Badge
Total (15) First Semester
- ENGR 395 - Senior Design Project I
- PHYS 350 - Theoretical Mechanics
- PHYS 360 - Electromagnetism I
- ENGR 346 - Signals & Systems
- Diversity Curriculum Requirement (DCR)
Total (15) Second Semester
- ENGR 358 - Analog & Digital Communication
- ENGR 366 - Optics: Phys & Engineering
- ENGR 367 - Optics: Phys & Engineering Lab
- ENGR 380 - Control Systems
- ENGR 396 - Engineering Colloquium
- ENGR 398 - Senior Design Project II
- Humanities Elective
- CORE 499 - Core Capstone
Total (16) Scheduling Notes:
- Consult the “Undergraduate Core Curriculum” requirements of the Catalog.
- Block schedules serve as a recommendation of course sequences, however, special care must be taken to follow the course sequence of the courses within the major. Deviation from the course sequence within the major will most likely preclude a student from earning an Engineering Physics degree.
- Consult with your academic advisor should you need to deviate from the suggested course sequence due to mathematics placement in MATH 169 - Precalculus or a lower mathematics course.
- DCR & ER/S flags may double count with other core courses. Use “Attribute Type” when searching for courses.
- Core requirements for oral communications, quantitative reasoning, and writing-intensive flagged courses are fulfilled within the Engineering Physics curriculum.
- A cumulative average of 2.0 is required in the major courses for graduation.
- A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for the degree. Credit hours required may vary between students due to incoming academic credit, core courses double counting, or mathematics and second language placement results but 120 credit hours must be obtained for graduation.
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