Sep 19, 2024  
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Environmental Science, B.S. with Environmental Management concentration

Xavier University - Duke University Cooperative Forestry and Environmental Management Programs

This program is designed to coordinate the education of undergraduate environmental science students at Xavier with graduate programs in the Duke University School of the Environment.  After completing three years of the Environmental Science Program at Xavier, participating students are accepted into either of two Duke University degree programs, the Master of Forestry (MF) or Master of Environmental Management (MEM). The MF emphasizes forest resources, and graduates are typically employed in administrative, managerial, or staff positions with forest industries and government agencies. The MEM program considers natural resources in a broader context. Students find employment in such areas as resource development, environmental protection, impact assessment, land use analysis, and coastal zone management.

The curriculum which leads to the above degrees consists of six semesters of undergraduate study at Xavier University (similar to the Environmental Science major) and four semesters of graduate study at Duke University School of the Environment. During the fall semester of the junior year at Xavier, the student applies for admission to the Duke University School of the Environment. The BS Applied Biology degree will be awarded by Xavier University upon satisfactory completion of one year of full-time study at Duke University. Upon satisfactory completion of the requirements for a master’s degree, Duke University will award either the degree of MF or MEM, whichever is appropriate for the student’s area of concentration at Duke University. If a student is unable to enter Duke University, courses necessary for completion of requirements leading to the BS in Environmental Science can be taken during the senior year.

All incoming students to Xavier will first enroll as an Environmental Science Major. After meeting with the program director during the freshman to junior year, students will then be allowed to declare the Environmental Science Major with Environmental Management concentration. 

Requirements for the Environmental Science Major with Environmental Management concentration

Students must have the program director’s approval before declaring the Environmental Science major with a concentration in Environmental Management

Core Curriculum Requirements:

Students must complete the Undergraduate Core Curriculum requirements.  Specific courses that must be taken to satisfy the core curriculum requirements include science courses and the following:

Mathematical Perspectives:

  • MATH 140 - Concepts of Calculus or
  • MATH 180 - Differential Calculus

Major Requirements:

45 credit hours, as follows

Senior Capstone

  • 2 credits from BIOL 495-499 


  • A 2.000 cumulative average must be attained in all biology courses.
  • One year of full time study at the Duke University School of the Environment.

TOTAL Minimum Hours Required for Degree: 120 Semester Hours

B.S. Environmental Science with Environmental Management concentration

This block serves as a guideline for progress toward a degree. See your academic advisor.

Freshman Year

First Semester

  • BIOL 160 - General Biology I
  • BIOL 161 - General Biology I Lab
  • CHEM 160 - General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 161 - General Chemistry I Lab
  • ENGL 101 - English Composition or ENGL 115 - Rhetoric†
  • THEO 111 - Theological Foundations or CORE 100 - First Year Seminar
  • CORE 101 - 1st Year Co-Curricular Program I  

Total (14)

Second Semester

  • BIOL 162 - General Biology II
  • BIOL 163 - General Biology II Lab
  • CHEM 162 - General Chemistry II
  • CHEM 163 - General Chemistry II Lab
  • ECON 200 - Microeconomic Principles†
  • PHIL 100 - Ethics as Intro to Philosophy†
  • THEO 111 - Theological Foundations or CORE 100 - First Year Seminar
  • CORE 102 - 1st Year Co-Curricular Program II  

Total (17)

Sophomore Year

First Semester

  • BIOL 250 - Ecology
  • BIOL 251 - Ecology Lab
  • MATH 140 or MATH 180
  • ECON 320 - Natural Resource Economics
  • Second Language I†
  • Historical Perspectives††

Total (16)

Second Semester

  • BIOL 260 - Intro to Environmental Science
  • BIOL 261 - Intro to Environ Science Lab
  • Humanities Elective††  
  • Creative Perspectives†
  • ENGL 205 - Literature & Moral Imagination††
  • Second Language II†

Total (16)

Junior Year

First Semester

  • BIOL Capstone
  • Science Elective
  • Science Elective
  • PHYS 160 - College Physics I
  • PHYS 161 - Introductory Physics Lab I
  • Philosophical Perspectives††
  • STAT 146 - Biostatistics

Total (15-17)

Second Semester

  • BIOL Capstone
  • BIOL 396 or 397 or 398 - Environmental Studies SEM
  • PHYS 162 - College Physics II
  • PHYS 163 - Introductory Physics Lab II
  • Theological Perspectives Elective††
  • General Elective
  • General Elective

Total (16-18)

Senior Year

During the junior year the student applies for admission to Duke University. The BS degree will be awarded by Xavier University upon satisfactory completion of one year of fulltime study (minimum of 24 credit hours) at Duke University.

If a student is unable to enter Duke University, arrangements should be made with the chair of the Biology Department to determine the senior year courses necessary for completion of requirements leading to the BS degree in Environmental Science  .   

A cumulative average of 2.0 is required in the major courses for graduation.     

A minimum of 120 credit hours (96 hours at Xavier and 24 hours at Duke) is required for the degree.


  • A cumulative average of 2.0 is required in the major courses for graduation.     
  • A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for the degree.  A second Bachelor’s degree requires 150 credit hours (30 additional credit hours).