Mar 11, 2025  
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

EDSP 392 - ECSPED Primary: Observ & Asmt

3 Credit Hours
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Early Childhood/Special Education intervention assessment, evaluation, techniques and report writing for children/students ages birth to 5th grade. This course includes how formal and informal, norm and criterion referenced assessments are chosen in the areas of sensory, motor, cognitive, and social/emotional. Additionally, the relevance of observation, data collection, summarization, information integration and team collaboration are addressed in various settings (home, preschool, school classrooms (K-5) and community agencies). Program assessment, evaluation and its importance to IDEA compliance is discussed. This is a blended class offering interactive field observations/research and classroom meetings. 5 hours field experience required - undergrad. VALID BCI/FBI REQUIRED.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate level EDSP391 Minimum grade of B

Levels: Graduate Undergraduate

College of Professional Sci School of Education