Dec 21, 2024
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025
CLAS 398 - Capstone Preparation 3 Credit Hours This is the first part of the senior thesis/pre-seminar course that fulfills the Capstone Course requirement necessary for the completion of the Honors Bachelor of Arts curriculum. This course has as its goal the preparation of the thesis mandated for the completion of the HAB curriculum. This course will serve two purposes: (1) to prepare the student practically for the thesis in such areas as format, deadlines, selection of director and committee, presentation, organizing content, style, expectation, etc.; and (2) to help the student research and reflect on/discuss areas related to ideas and subject matter previously studied throughout the HAB program.
Restrictions: Must be assigned one of the following Student Attributes: University Scholar PPPU & Honors
Levels: Graduate Undergraduate
College of Arts & Sciences Classics & Modern Languages