Sep 16, 2024  
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Graduate Academic Policies and Regulations

Return to Policies and Procedures    

General Policies


Grading and Academic Standing


External Courses

General Policies

The policies listed here affect all graduate students. Some degree programs have special policies which are specified within individual program descriptions. Refer to the “registration” section of the catalog for general registration policies which affect both undergraduate students and graduate students.

Typically no more than six credit hours taken as a non-degree graduate student may apply toward a graduate degree. Exceptions may be granted at program director’s discretion.  Some courses and/or programs are not available to non-degree graduate students.

Reservation of Rights

Xavier reserves the right to promulgate and modify its rules and regulations, policies, and procedures and to make changes of any nature in its program; calendar; admissions policies, procedures, and standards; degree and graduation requirements; fees; written materials, including, but not limited to, this Catalog; and academic schedule whenever necessary or desirable, including, without limitation, changes in course content and class schedule, the cancellation of scheduled classes and other academic activities, and the substitution of alternatives for scheduled classes and other academic activities.

The University will attempt to comply with the requirements published in the catalog for the year a student initially registers, provided the student continues in attendance without interruption of more than a year. In any such case, the University will give whatever notice it determines is reasonably practical.

Students who interrupt their attendance by more than a year and who later return must meet curricular requirements as determined by their dean.

Delivery of Services

Xavier University assumes no liability for the delay or failure in providing educational or other services, programs, or facilities due to causes beyond its reasonable control. Causes include, without limitation, power failure, fire, strikes by University employees or others, damage by natural elements, and acts of public authorities. The University will, however, exert reasonable efforts, when it judges them to be appropriate, to provide comparable services, facilities, or performance; but its inability or failure to do so shall not subject the University to liability.

In the event that Xavier determines it must suspend or alter its operations in whole or in part due to epidemic, pandemic, other public health emergency, extreme weather, natural disaster, acts or threatened acts of terrorism or war, or any single act or combination of events beyond the University’s control, Xavier may suspend, reduce, terminate and/or modify its operations in whole or in part, which may or may not include offering online or other alternative learning options, in its discretion. In any such event, Xavier University is under no obligation to refund or credit any portion of tuition, fees, or other charges paid or owed, but it may do so in its discretion.  

Xavier provides rigorous academic and professional programs integrated with co-curricular engagement.  Even so, the quality and rate of progress of an individual’s academic career and professional advancement upon completion of a degree or program are largely dependent on his or her own abilities, commitment, and effort. In many professions and occupations, there are also requirements imposed by federal and state statutes and regulatory agencies for certification or entry into a particular field. These requirements may change while a student is enrolled in a program and may vary from state to state or country to country. Although the university stands ready to help its students find out about requirements and changes in them, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate the inquiry.

Student Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the graduate student to become informed about all regulations and procedures required by the program and by the University.  In no case will a regulation be waived or an exception granted because a student pleads ignorance of the regulation or asserts that information was not given by an advisor or other authority.  The program director should be consulted concerning requirements, deficiencies, the planning of a program, and special regulations.

Any falsification of information on the application, transcripts, recommendations (where required), or test scores will be sufficient cause for disqualification for admission or dismissal if the individual has been admitted. All tuition and fees paid and graduate credit earned are forfeited under such dismissal.

Academic Grievances

Consistent with its mission, Xavier welcomes opinions and feedback about our policies, programs, and services in order to ensure that student rights are protected and, when necessary, to make changes that more effectively contribute to student success.  The University is accountable to its students, its other constituents, and its institutional accrediting body to provide a mechanism to ensure that students have access to appropriate procedures for registering complaints when they feel that their rights have been violated. 

Complaints can be made by a student or group of students alleging improper, unfair, or arbitrary treatment.  A complaint may address issues of institutional or program quality such as Xavier’s compliance with the standards of the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools or other pertinent accrediting bodies. 

Exclusions to this policy include complaints regarding grade grievances, academic honesty, non-academic misconduct, sexual violence, harassment, and discrimination, which have separate, specific policies and procedures. 

Concerns or complaints about academic procedures or personnel should be filed with the appropriate unit: College of Arts and Sciences, College of Nursing, College of Professional Sciences, or the Williams College of Business.  A student with a complaint that a policy or procedure has been incorrectly or unfairly applied, or a complaint against a faculty member or academic staff member’s behavior, has recourse through this process.

Students should address the complaint by first discussing the matter with the staff or faculty personnel with whom the issue originated. If students are uncomfortable talking directly with the person about whom they have a complaint, they may contact the supervisor or department chair directly.

If the issue is not resolved at the staff or faculty level, the next step would be discussion about the allegation with the supervisor or the department chair.  Ideally, the student should document in writing the incident that has occurred. If possible, the student should include dates, locations, context, and as much detail as possible.  In addition, the student should identify the resolution they are seeking and explain in writing why they feel that the issue was not resolved directly with the staff or faculty personnel.

If the issue is not resolved at the supervisor/chair level, students should then contact the respective dean’s office where the dean or their designee will investigate the issue or allegation, and render a judgment.  

Program Requirements

Specific requirements of the master’s and doctoral programs are described in this catalog.  Though advising services are available to assist all students, the student is responsible for following the procedures and completing the steps required for the program.  Requirements of graduate programs, both procedural and substantive, may be waived only by written request of the student and/or program director concerned and must have the written approval of the dean of the appropriate college.  Additional information may be found in the program fact sheets (available in the Office of The Graduate School).

At least sixty percent of course work toward a graduate degree must be courses offered for graduate credit only, i.e., numbered 500 or higher and not open to undergraduate students. The remainder must be in approved upper division courses numbered 200-499 taken for graduate credit. (Grade of “A” or “B” must be earned for credit in courses below 500 level.) All MBA coursework must be graduate level MBA courses; all MHSA, EdD and PsyD coursework must be graduate level.

Class Attendance

Reasonable attendance at all class meetings of courses for which a student has registered is expected of students as a condition for the granting of academic credit. Lack of reasonable attendance as determined by the individual faculty member is reason for denial of credit for a course and possible course failure.  Students should consult the class syllabi for current policy regarding attendance, grading procedures, etc., by individual faculty members.

Academic Integrity

The pursuit of truth demands high standards of personal honesty. Academic and professional life requires a trust based upon integrity of the written and spoken word. Accordingly, violations of certain standards of ethical behavior will not be tolerated at Xavier University. These include cheating, plagiarism, falsification of records for academic gain, collusion, copyright infringement, or abuse of physical or intellectual property or use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI).

All work submitted for academic evaluation must be the student’s own. Certainly, the activities of other scholars will influence all students. However, the direct and unattributed use of another’s efforts is prohibited as is the use of any work untruthfully submitted as one’s own.

Penalties for violations of this policy may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: a written warning, academic integrity training, a zero or an “F” for that assignment or test, an “F” in the course, university probation, suspension, or expulsion from the University. This violation is to be submitted to the dean of the college of the student’s major(s), via the Academic Integrity reporting system, though the instructor has full authority to assign the grade for the assignment, test, or course; the dean has full authority to assign university-level penalties. If disputes of interpretation arise the student, faculty member, and appropriate chair/program director/school director should attempt to resolve the difficulty. If this is unsatisfactory, the dean will rule in the matter. As a final appeal, the Provost or their designee(s) will make a final determination.

Disciplinary Action

Xavier University expects the behavior of its students on and off campus to be in accordance with the rules of conduct specified in the Code of Student Conduct and the Student Handbook. A student violating any University policy will be subject to disciplinary action, facilitated by the Office of Residence Life or Dean of Students Office).Serious cases of misconduct may result in a student’s sanctions that include suspension or expulsion. Academic credits for courses in which the student is currently enrolled may be lost by a student who is suspended or expelled from the University before the end of the semester. Refer to the Student Handbook ( for specific information regarding the student conduct process and procedures.

Disciplinary records are confidential and are maintained by the Dean of Students Office for a period of seven years, unless the student has been suspended or expelled from Xavier, in which case student conduct records may be kept indefinitely. The University may choose to notify parents of disciplinary action taken against a student in accordance with the permissible disclosures as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Academically related discipline problems will be addressed through the appropriate department chair, dean, and Provost.

Xavier University reserves the right to dismiss a student for academic misconduct if, in the judgment of University officials, such action is necessary to preserve and support the general welfare and academic experience of one or more students and/or the Xavier community. A student also may be required to withdraw for reasons of poor scholarship, failure to remove academic probation, or misconduct.

Xavier University Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Xavier has established an Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects participating in research conducted by or on students, faculty or staff of the University.  This includes research performed at Xavier under contractual arrangements with outside research organizations. In these cases, such contracts are subject to review and the research protocol portion of the contract is subject to Xavier IRB review.

The Xavier IRB is guided by the ethical principles set forth by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research in Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research: The Belmont Report. In addition, the IRB attempts to insure compliance with the requirements set forth in Title 45, Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Xavier University Professional Review Board (PRB)

A number of programs offered by the University qualify graduates to stand for certificates to practice professions involving vulnerable individuals (children and persons who are mentally or physically ill or challenged).  Besides having academic knowledge and skills, they must also have the capacity to serve and help their future clients through intimate human contact.

When a student is found by their program or department to lack interpersonal skills necessary for activity as a professional, this Review Board, made up of certified, practicing professionals, serves as the student’s appeal source. Instructors may also appeal to the Board if they are dissatisfied with their department’s or program’s lack of concern about an individual student’s behavior.


Classification and Enrollment Status of Graduate Students

  • Full-time Status:
    • 9 hours or more
  • Part-time Statuses:
    • Three Quarters time: 6 to 8.99
    • Half time: 4.5 to 5.99
    • Less than Half time: 4.49 and below

DNP, Ed.D, and MSN

  • Full-time Status:
    • 6 hours or more
  • Part-time Statuses:
    • Three Quarters time: 4.5 to 5.99
    • Half time: 3.00 to 4.49
    • Less than Half time: 2.99 and below

Course Numbering

Courses are numbered in the following way:

100 to 199 - undergraduate lower division courses, for undergraduate credit only.

200 to 499 - undergraduate upper division courses; selected courses are open to graduate students for graduate credit. Some degree programs in the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Professional Sciences accept none or a limited number of such courses.  The graduate program in the Williams College of Business and the graduate MHSA program in Health Services Administration accept no undergraduate level courses for graduate credit.

500 and above - graduate level courses for graduate credit only; open to graduate students only.

Credit Hours, Semester

At Xavier University, the number of credit hours awarded depends on the course workload and overall contact with the subject matter, including the amount of direct instruction and the amount of student study/preparation time.  A semester course typically requires two units of student study/preparation time for every one unit of direct instruction.  Credit hour minimums are the same for both the undergraduate and graduate level.  Actual hours of course work may exceed these minimums to ensure students meet course student learning outcomes. 

A direct instruction hour consists of 50 minutes of formalized faculty-directed instruction presented to students, either in a synchronous or asynchronous format.

A study or preparation hour consists of 50 minutes of independent work, outside-of-class study, or preparation coursework that the typical student is expected to complete. Examples include, but are not limited to, reading assignments, working out problems, preparing for exams, completing online and face-to-face group work, writing papers, and working on a project. 

A semester credit hour is the amount of credit awarded for successful completion of a total of 2250 minutes of course work comprised of faculty-directed instruction and independent student work.  For example, one semester credit hour of traditional face-to-face lecture courses represents 750 minutes of direct instruction supplemented by a minimum of 1500 minutes of student independent study or preparation. An equivalent amount of time and work is required for shorter semesters or course duration.

The ratio of direct instruction to independent student work may differ by modality of instruction, but all courses require a minimum of 2,250 total minutes of student work per credit hour (e.g., 750 minutes of direct instruction plus 1,500 minutes of study/preparation time).  A three credit-hour course requires a minimum of 6,750 minutes of interaction with the subject matter, including both direct instruction and independent student work. 

Xavier University includes a week of final exams as part of the required minutes for full-term courses.  A laboratory course that meets for two or three class hours weekly over the course of a full term is considered equivalent to one credit hour.  Fully online courses include the same credit hour minimums as face-to-face courses. The credit hours for work in internships, practica, and student teaching vary.  Class and study time may exceed these minimums to ensure students meet course student-learning outcomes. 

The standard number of credit hours which each course carries is provided in the course description section of this catalog. The courses are listed in numerical order within the sections for the various academic departments. 

Faculty are responsible for ensuring that overall credit-hour minimums are met for each of the courses they teach, including the make-up of any unanticipated class cancellations that occur due to weather or other extenuating circumstances. Faculty may use alternative activities or assignments to make up missed class time.  It is general practice for faculty to notify their chairs when a class session is cancelled. 

Excess Credit Hour Course Load

The following maximum course loads may only be exceeded with permission from the student’s dean even if the additional hours are to be taken for audit. Excess hours carry additional fees, unless departmental policy requires the excess.

  1. Fall,Spring, or Summer - 16 hours
    Special courses such as workshops, institutes, tutorials, independent study, and courses graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis are available and may be applied toward a graduate degree. However, a student’s degree program may not include more than six semester hours of such special course work.
  2. Certain programs and degrees (Ex: The Doctor of Psychology) may apply more than six semester hours of courses graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory scale, based on program requirements and approval from the Department Chair.


When selecting courses, students must adhere to required prerequisites and special course restrictions established by the colleges and academic departments. Prerequisites must be passed with the minimum acceptable grade before subsequent courses may be taken.

Auditing Courses

Any graduate student wishing to audit a course may do so. An audited course does not carry credit or earn a grade.  The credit hours of an audited course do not count towards the student’s enrollment status for financial aid purposes.  Regular tuition rates apply. If audit requirements are not met, a “W” grade may be assigned. Psychology courses, Doctoral courses in Leadership Studies, and MS in Human Resource Development courses may not be audited.

Grading and Academic Standing

Graduate Grading System

A = Exceptional
B = Good*
C = Minimal**
F = Failure
VF = Failure to officially withdraw
W = Official withdrawal
M = Incomplete (prior to Fall 2019), changed when grade is assigned.  (see “Incomplete Work”)
E = Graduate Extension, changed when grade is assigned.
IP = In Progress, changed when grade is assigned
AU = Audit - no credit or grade earned (see “Auditing Courses”)
S = Passing/Satisfactory, credit earned
U = Not passing/Unsatisfactory, no credit earned
NC = No credit earned, non-graded course

* minimum grade for graduate credit in courses below 500 level
** minimum grade for credit in courses 500 level and above

No grade change can be made later than the 15th calendar day after the beginning of the next academic semester (fall or spring) except in the case of a completed Incomplete, Graduate Extension or In Progress grade or a resolved Grade Grievance. “S”/”U” grades are given in certain pass/fail courses, in place of letter grades.  The grade of “S” does not equate with letter grades and is transferable to other universities only upon their approval.

Quality Points

The quality point is the unit used to measure student achievement in a course.  The number of quality points received for any course is equal to the number of points attached to the grade received multiplied by the number of quality hours yielded by the course. Quality points are computed as follows:

A = 4.00 quality points per credit hour C+ = 2.33 quality points per credit hour
A- = 3.67 quality points per credit hour C = 2.00 quality points per credit hour
B+ = 3.33 quality points per credit hour F = 0.00 quality points per credit hour
B = 3.00 quality points per credit hour VF = 0.00 quality points per credit hour
B- = 2.67 quality points per credit hour U = 0.00 quality points per credit hour


The student’s term grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of quality hours in that term. “W”, “M”, “AU”, “S”, “E”, “IP” and “NC” grades are not calculated into quality points, nor quality hours and therefore do not affect the GPA. The cumulative GPA is based on all terms at Xavier.

The semester hours in courses in which an “S” grade is earned will count toward the University’s minimum requirement of 30 semester hours for graduation with a master’s degree. However, if the grade earned is “U” (Unsatisfactory), both the credit hours and the quality points are computed into the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Incomplete Work

Grades of “IP” (In Progress) indicate that the student is continuing a long-term project related to the course, and should only be used when such continuation is the expectation of the program (e.g., for long-term research such as a dissertation, or a year-long field-based training experience). The grade “IP” does not count toward the GPA. The faculty member or department head initiates the grade change process once the work is completed.

Grades of “E” (Graduate Extension) may be granted only rarely and only for serious reasons. If an extension is granted, the grade of “E” will be assigned.  The grade “E” does not count toward the GPA. Unless the work is completed and submitted by the last day of the subsequent semester (Fall incomplete = last day of Spring Semester; Spring incomplete = last day of final Summer Semester; Summer incomplete = last day of Fall Semester), the student will fail the course and the “E” will be permanently changed to an “F.” Exceptions to this policy must be approved in writing by the appropriate dean prior to the last day of the subsequent semester. The faculty member initiates the grade change process once the student has made up the incomplete work.

If the student is deferred for graduation due to a grade of ‘IP’ or ‘E’, he or she may be eligible for the original date of graduation. Work must be completed, graded, and recorded within thirty calendar days of that term’s graduation date.

Student Progress

Candidates for the master’s degree who fail to complete all requirements within six years after enrolling must apply for reactivation.  Candidates for the doctoral degree in psychology who fail to complete all requirements within eight years after enrolling must apply for reactivation.  Students have nine years to complete the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Leadership Studies program, with a possible one-year extension upon approval of the Dean of the College of Professional Sciences.  Certain programs may impose shorter progress requirements. A petition must be submitted to the appropriate college dean before proceeding. Reactivated students are held to program requirements in place at the time of reactivation.  The dean of the college may impose certain stipulations as a condition for reactivation.

Graduate Reactivation

A graduate student who previously attended Xavier and has not been registered for one full academic year must complete a Reactivation Form before attempting to register for classes again and continuing in the course of study.  Applicants who want credit for coursework taken at another university during their absence from Xavier must submit an official transcript to their respective program director for credit review. See the entry Transfer Students below for time limitations on the acceptance of coursework. Students are reactivated under the current catalog year, unless an exception is made by the dean.

Students suspended from Xavier or from other institutions for poor academic performance will not be eligible for reactivation before the lapse of at least one fall or spring semester. In all cases, reactivation and the conditions for such will be determined by the dean of the appropriate college which issued the suspension. All prior financial obligations must be settled with the Office of the Bursar prior to reactivation, and the student must be in good standing with the Division of Student Affairs.

Academic Standing

Actions regarding academic warning, academic dismissal, and academic reactivation will be noted on the student’s permanent academic record.

Academic Warning

A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.800 in courses taken for graduate credit will be “WARNED.”  The dean will send this warning to the student and will also send a statement of dismissal policy.  Such notification will be sent at the end of each semester so long as the student remains in this status. Some programs require a minimum of 3.000.

Academic Dismissal

Any student whose cumulative GPA is below 2.800 in courses taken for graduate credit and whose next semester graduate course GPA is also below 2.800 is subject to dismissal from that program.  Some  programs require a minimum of 3.000. Consult the program director for information.

Any student who earns two unsatisfactory grades (“C” or lower) in courses numbered below 500; or “F” in courses numbered 500 or above) is subject to dismissal from that program.  Xavier University reserves the right to dismiss a student for reasons of poor scholarship, academic fraud, or misconduct.  Actions regarding Academic Dismissal will be noted on the student’s academic record.

Non-academic Dismissal

Xavier University reserves the right to dismiss a student if, in the judgment of University officials, such action would be in the physical, mental, emotional, or moral best interests of the student or is considered necessary for the welfare of the University.

Grade Grievance Procedure

This policy applies to both graduate and undergraduate students.

Students may appeal final grades if they believe that the grade was awarded unfairly.  The student is responsible for the burden of proof, and must be able to provide some evidence of the lack of fair treatment in order to file a formal grievance. The following procedure must be followed when filing such an appeal.

The instructor is obligated to participate in the grade grievance process.  If the instructor does not participate, the chair and/or dean will proceed without the instructor.

  1. The student shall indicate in writing to the chair of the appropriate academic department that he/she is appealing the grade.  This notification must be submitted in person or postmarked by February 1 for fall grades, June 15 for spring grades, and September 1 for summer grades.
  2. The student shall meet with the instructor to try to resolve the grade dispute before February 15 for fall grades and before September 15 for spring and summer grades.
  3. If a resolution is not reached and the student still believes that the grievance has merit, the student shall submit a request in writing to the department chair for a meeting with the chair and the instructor.  This request should indicate when the meeting with the instructor was held and its outcome; explain exactly how the instructor’s action was unfair; and be received by the department chair by March 1 for fall grades and October 1 for spring and summer grades.  The student then meets with the department chair and instructor to try to resolve the dispute at this level.
  4. If a resolution is not reached and the student wishes to pursue the grievance, he/she shall submit the statement from step #3, along with all evidence and documentation which supports the allegation, to the dean of the appropriate college.  This should be done within five working days after meeting with the department chair and the instructor.
  5. The dean shall convene a committee, composed of him/herself, three faculty members and two students, to conduct a hearing on the grievance.  Two of the faculty members shall be from within the college and one from outside the college in which the instructor is located, and all shall be appointed by the dean.  The two students shall have the same status as the grieving student (either graduate or undergraduate). If undergraduate, they shall come from a pool of 4-6 students appointed by the president of student government.  One student shall be from  within the college in which the grieving student is enrolled, and one shall be from outside the college.  The dean shall choose the two students from the pool. If graduate, the dean shall meet with the appropriate graduate student organizations  from the colleges to select the two students to sit on this committee.
  6. The committee shall hold a hearing chaired by the dean.  The instructor and the student shall be present and each shall be allowed an advisor (from within the University community) and shall be permitted to present witnesses.  The committee, advisors, instructor and student shall all have the right to question the witnesses.  The committee shall deliberate in closed session, and must present its decision in writing to the student and the instructor within five working days after the decision is reached.  If the committee’s decision is that the grade given was inappropriate, the academic vice president shall authorize the registrar in writing to change the grade.
  7. The decision of the committee is final unless new evidence or new witnesses not previously considered or heard at the hearing become available.  The student must submit this new evidence to the academic vice president within ten working days following the receipt of the committee’s decision and must indicate precisely how this evidence or testimony relates directly to the alleged unfair awarding of the disputed grade.
  8. The decision of the academic vice president is final. There is no further appeal.


Minimum Grade Point Average to Graduate

The minimum grade point average required for graduation from all graduate degree programs is as follows.  In addition, two unsatisfactory grades, as stated in the Academic Dismissal section, shall be grounds for dismissal.

College of Arts & Sciences


MA English Education


MA History Education


MA Theology



College of Nursing








College of Professional Sciences



EdD Leadership Studies


MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling


MA Psychology


MA School Counseling






MS Athletic Training


MS Criminal Justice




MS Special Education




PsyD Psychology



Williams College of Business





MS Accountancy


MS Customer Analytics


Application for Degree and Graduation

Students initiate the process of graduation by completing a Graduation Application.  The online graduation application is available through the Self Service link in the Xavier Student Hub.  It is recommended that the student meet with the academic advisor or program director before registering for the final term of work to ensure that all degree requirements will have been met by the end of that term.  Utilize the Degree Works evaluation available online to assist you with your graduation check out.

The student must submit a Graduation Application form to the Office of the Registrar before the deadline published in the Academic Calendar .  The graduation fee will be added to the student’s Bursar account, and an additional fee will be incurred for applications received after the deadline.  If the requirements for the degree are not completed at the time specified on the application, the student must submit a new Graduation Application form.  The graduation fee is a onetime, non-refundable charge, per each degree awarded.

Degrees are granted three times each year: in August for those completing programs during the summer, in December for those completing programs in the fall semester, and in May for those completing programs during the spring semester.  Commencement exercises are held each May for graduates from the entire previous academic year.

Students whose degree requirements are completed, graded, and recorded within thirty calendar days of that term’s graduation date may receive a diploma dated for that term.

Students must have satisfied all financial obligations to the University before the diploma or academic transcript can be released.

Multiple Master’s Degrees

A student may earn from Xavier University only one graduate degree of the same type, e.g., MBA or MHSA, although more than one Master of Arts or Master of Science degree may be obtained in more than one subject or field.  An additional MEd degree may be earned in addition to an already earned MEd in Sport Administration, Coaching Education and Athlete Development, Human Resource Development or Counseling.  There may not be any overlap in courses used for multiple master’s degrees.  If two programs require a common course, a substitute must be approved for one of the degree programs. (Note that exceptions to this rule may be a part of the design of dual-degree programs.)

Comprehensive Examinations

Comprehensive examination requirements vary according to each program and are found in the program descriptions in this catalog.  A student who fails the comprehensive examination may appeal to the program director to repeat the examination during a subsequent term (only one examination attempt is permitted during the summer).  A second failure will result in dismissal from the program.


Thesis/dissertation requirements vary according to program and are found in the program descriptions in this catalog.  The thesis/dissertation required for a degree should embody the results of the applicant’s research in some problem of the major subject, and must at each stage be under the direction of an appropriate faculty member appointed by the chair.

External Courses

Courses Taken at Other Institutions

Graduate credit for a degree completed at another university is not transferable toward a graduate degree at Xavier once the student has begun a graduate program at Xavier. Exceptions to this policy may be made when:

  1. A student is permanently transferred to another city by family obligations.
  2. A student is specifically directed by the program director, chair or dean to take a course not available at Xavier.
  3. Up to six semester hours of graduate course work obtained in the Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities may be applied to a master’s degree taken at Xavier, with the advanced written permission of the program director or dean. As a matter of policy, the official academic record lists only those graduate courses from other universities which apply toward an advanced degree or pertain to certification.