Feb 12, 2025
Xavier University Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 2024-2025
Entrepreneurship and Innovation, B.S.B.A.
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The Department of Management and Entrepreneurship offers the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Xavier’s undergraduate major in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is designed to help prepare students to seek opportunities, act resourcefully, think creatively, and lead ethically to make a difference in their organizations and the world, our majors will learn to:
- Provide progressive leadership for existing family businesses
- Start their own businesses, and/or
- Pursue careers in creating and managing innovation and leading entrepreneurship in non-profits and small to large organizations in this global market economy.
The strength of our free enterprise economy depends heavily on an entrepreneurial mindset in those individuals who identify new product or service opportunities, develop workable plans for capitalizing on those opportunities, and assume personal risk and take the initiative in creating and then managing the new or expanded enterprises which those plans make possible.
Requirements for a Major in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Since successful entrepreneurs and those with an entrepreneurial mindset need to have an integrative and interdisciplinary set of skills, the Entrepreneurship and Innovation major is interdisciplinary in nature, providing advanced course work in all business functions, specialized course work in creativity and innovation, business planning and a field experience, and a required entrepreneurial work internship. Business Core Requirements:
Business Core Courses
A 2.00 grade point average must be attained in the business core. At least half of the 45 total credit hours must be taken at Xavier. Major Requirements:
21 total credit hours required, as follows: 15 hours specifically required:
6 hours from major electives:
- Please note that double majors (students majoring in another business discipline beside ENTR) should take electives only with the approval of the department since double-counting of courses is not permitted.
B.S.B.A. Entrepreneurship and Innovation
This block serves as a guideline for progress toward a degree. See your academic advisor. First Semester
- FY Seminar-CORE 100 or THEO 111
- Mathematical Perspectives-MATH 140 or 170
- ENGL 101/115
- Second Language I 4
- MGMT 200 (DCR)
- BUAD 101
- CORE 101
Second Semester
- THEO 111 or FY Seminar-CORE 100
- BAIS 210 (or STAT 210)
- Second Language II 4
- ENTR 301 - Intro to Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Social Science Elective-ECON 200 1
- BUAD 102
- CORE 102
First Semester
- PHIL 100
- ECON 201
- ACCT 200
- BAIS 211
- Historical Perspectives Elective
- BUAD 201
Second Semester
- Scientific Perspectives or Natural Science Elective 2
- MGMT 201 (Oral Communications & Writing Flag)
- ACCT 201
- MKTG 300
- ENTR 305 - Creativity & Innovation
- BUAD 202
First Semester
- Natural Science Elective or Scientific Perspectives 2
- FINC 300 (Quantitative Reasoning Flag)
- BAIS 220
- PHIL 200 - Philosophical Perspectives Elective
- Creative Perspectives Elective
- BUAD 301
Second Semester
- Theological Perspectives Electives
- ENGL 205
- ECON 300
- ENTR 335 - Social Entrep. and Innov.
- ENTR 303 - Entrepreneurship Internship
- BUAD 302
First Semester
- Business Core Capstone
- BLAW 300 (ERS Flag)
- MGMT 302
- ENTR Elective
- General Elective I
- BUAD 401
Second Semester
- Humanities Elective 3
- ENTR 495 - Entrep. and Innovation Capstone
- ENTR Elective
- Business Elective or additional internship for credit
- General Elective 2
- BUAD 402
- CORE 499
- Minimum for undergraduate degree is 120 hours. Major is 21 hours (plus business elective or internship for credit).
- 1-Social Science: Business majors must take ECON 200 as Social Science Elective
- 2-Science: Take any six hours of science - but must include at least 3 hours of Natural Science such as BIOL, CHEM or PHYS
- 3-Humanities: Include any Literature (except 205), CLAS, HIST 200+, THEO 300+, PHIL 300+ (but cannot also double count as ERS)
- 4-Foreign Language: Must complete 201-level
- FLAGS: All except Writing Intensive Flag are included in business core curriculum
- *General electives may be filled by any course or pre-requisites based on Math or Foreign Language placement scores
- ENTR-approved MKTG or interdisciplinary electives. See degree audit or consult your department.
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